About Us
Our Story
Pasban has evolved in its presents form after going through various development phases and ups and downs which has accumulated a vast depth in the learning base of the organization.
Pasban Pakistan was established in Lahore on 30th October 1990. Prior and parallel to that Societys’ Youth Forum was convened in Karachi which was presided by Altaf Shakoor. Basic objective behind formation of these organizations was to engage and motivate youths of Pakistan to contribute positively in the social order of Pakistan. Eradication of social injustice prevailing in the culture was the focal point of the efforts of these newly formed parties. Pasban endeavored hard to create awareness among masses to encourage them to fight against tyranny and corruption. At the same time, youth was engaged in a wide variety of healthy activities to divert them from the politicians trying to exploit it them for selfish political motives. Pasban was soon recognized as a party endeavoring to fight against inequality all over the world. In 1994, Altaf Shakoor was nominated by Supreme Council as President of Pasban Pakistan in Lahore. In 2015, Central Executive Committee of Pasban Pakistan after mutual consultation decided to enter into the politics of Pakistan and adopted the resolution to take part in the electoral process. In 2018, name of the Party was changed to Pasban democratic Party. Pasban Democratic Party possesses a distinct identity with social democratic ideology and is working as an independent political party with its own vision and mission to pursue and is not affiliated with any other party in Pakistan or abroad. Since inception, Pasban is helping neglected segments of the society by working against injustice, providing legal counsel to oppressed persons in court cases, assisting deprived people to come out of poverty, arranging medical aid to poor patients and involving youth in healthy activities.